# tosdr.org/txt # # _ _ _ _ # | |_ ___ ___ __| |_ __| |___ _| |_ # | __/ _ \/ __|/ _` | '__| __\ \/ / __| # | || (_) \__ \ (_| | |_ | |_ > <| |_ # \__\___/|___/\__,_|_(_) \__/_/\_\\__| # # tosdr.txt is the easiest way to get your service added to the ToS;DR Database. # Simply provide Domains and Documents in a simple format in this file, so our crawler can automatically add your service. # # Each document requires the following keys to be set: # # Document-Name - The Name of your document. e.g. "Privacy Policy" # Document-Url - The Full url to your document e.g. "https://tosdr.org/legal" # Path - The XPath of your document. Read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPath # # If none of these 3 keys are not given, your tosdr.txt is invalid. If you do not know how to set an XPath, use the value "//body" # # # To define the domains and subdomains of your service use the following key: # # Domains - Comma separated list of domains without www prefix or paths. e.g. "tosdr.org,subdomain.tosdr.org,another.subdomain.tosdr.org" # # # If your service already exists in our Database, you can set the "ID" key as we do not update documents when this key is not given. # # ID - Your Service ID # # Note: Your domain including top level domain HAS to match one of the urls in the database. If it does not, the ID key is skipped during parsing. # # Did you know you can use inline comments as well? See below! # ID: 596 # Phoenix Service ID Domains: tosdr.org,translate.tosdr.org,admin.tosdr.org,admin.matrix.tosdr.org,api.tosdr.org,cdn.tosdr.org,arachne.crawler.api.tosdr.org,artifacts.tosdr.org,atlas.tosdr.org,atlas.crawler.api.tosdr.org,avidreader.crawler.api.tosdr.org,blog.tosdr.org,ci.tosdr.org,crawler.tosdr.org,docs.tosdr.org,floppy.crawler.api.tosdr.org,forum.tosdr.org,james.crawler.api.tosdr.org,matrix.tosdr.org,meet.tosdr.org,phoenix.tosdr.org,safariextension.tosdr.org,search.tosdr.org,shields.tosdr.org,to.tosdr.org,status.tosdr.org,us.crawler.api.tosdr.org,simple.tosdr.org Document-Name: Privacy Policy Url: https://tosdr.org/legal Path: /html/body/div[3]/p[1] Document-Name: Legal Information Url: https://tosdr.org/legal Path: /html/body/div[2]/p