You must provide your identifiable information
The Service requires users to provide their identifiable information, including phone number, iD number or other information, even though this data collection isn’t essential for the purposes of the service. They may still allow pseudonyms in the foreground.

App required for this service requires broad device permissions
The app of the service requires more device permissions than necessary. As a consequence it can compromise your privacy by accessing many functions and information from your device, such as precise location, contacts, device identifiers etc.

The service collects information about your health and health insurance
The service collects different kinds of personal data, such as name, demographic information, postal address, biometric data, device information, IDs, contacts, call logs...

This service shares your personal data with third parties that are not essential to its operation
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties nonessential to the service’s operation. This could be a business partner that receives your data to provide targeted advertisements.

This service tracks you on other websites
The service may use tracking technologies in third-party websites to track your online activity while you aren't visiting their Site.

Your personal data may be used for marketing purposes
The service may use your personal data for marketing, such as sending you personalised offerings.

This service tracks which web page referred you to it
The service logs the URL of the last web page you visited before visiting the Site and may use that information to gather more data about you.

Information is gathered about you through third parties
This Service may employ, either identifiable or non-identifiable, data collection from third party sources about you.

Your profile is combined across various products
When using multiple services from one same company, they can combine these (unrelated) information sources about you to build up a single richer user profile about you.

You are tracked via web beacons, tracking pixels and device fingerprinting
Tracking technologies (such as web beacons, tracking pixels...) are employed on users and/or the service assigns a unique ID to a browser or device to track its behaviour.

Extra data may be collected about you through promotions
Additional personal data may be collected through contests, surveys, promotions, petitions or sweepstakes.

This service receives your precise location through GPS coordinates
Unless the service relies on Geo Location, this case is to be assigned to points that don't need your GPS coordinates to function properly.

Your personal information is used for many different purposes
Personal Data can be processed for many reasons, including non essential processing such as for advertising, marketing and analytics purposes.

Your personal data is used to employ targeted third-party advertising
Your Personal Information is traded and shared with advertising companies to target ads on you, either on the website you were visiting or in third party websites. Your interaction with the service and data you have shared with them may be gathered to create an advertising ID or profile.

This service gives your personal data to third parties involved in its operation
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service’s operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.

Your biometric data is collected
This service can collect or use your biometric data. This includes but is not limited to facial recognition, fingerprints, and iris scans. Although this feature can sometimes be convenient to the user, providing this type of information to the service could open your personal data to being sold or stolen.

Your data may be processed and stored anywhere in the world
Your data is stored all over the world, including in countries where data protection rules may differ from the ones of the service's jurisdiction or those of your country jurisdiction.

Tracking pixels are used in service-to-user communication
The service tracks the user count or some actions of the user; this is usually used for statistics. For example, emails sent by a service can contain a pixel tag, which is a small, clear image that can tell them whether or not you have opened an email and what your IP address is.

Information is provided about what kind of information they collect
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.

Third parties used by the service are bound by confidentiality obligations
The Third Parties accessing your personal information must keep it confidential and only use it for limited purposes.