"Я прочитал и согласен с Условиями" — это самая большая ложь в интернете. Вместе мы можем исправить это.
- Facebook stores your data whether you have an account or not.
- The service can read your private messages
- This service can view your browser history
- Deleted content is not really deleted
- This service keeps user logs for an undefined period of time
Оценка E- Third-party cookies are used for advertising
- Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user
- This service tracks you on other websites
- The service can delete your account without prior notice and without a reason
- Voice data is collected and shared with third-parties
- The service can read your private messages
- You sign away moral rights
- The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason
- This service may keep personal data after a request for erasure for business interests or legal obligations
- Tracking via third-party cookies for other purposes without your consent.
Оценка B- The service can delete your account without prior notice and without a reason
- Users have a reduced time period to take legal action against the service
- The service may use tracking pixels, web beacons, browser fingerprinting, and/or device fingerprinting on users.
- Your data may be processed and stored anywhere in the world
- You publish your contributions under free licenses
Оценка B- Instead of asking directly, this Service will assume your consent merely from your usage.
- You can delete your account and Duck Addresses
- No need to register
- This service provides an onion site accessible over Tor
- The service makes critical changes to its terms without user involvement
Оценка E- This service can view your browser history
- Deleted videos are not really deleted
- Third-party cookies are used for advertising
- This service gathers information about you through third parties
- Reduction of legal period for cause of action
Khan Academy
Оценка D- The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason
- Tracking via third-party cookies for other purposes without your consent.
- The service collects many different types of personal data
- This service may keep personal data after a request for erasure for business interests or legal obligations
- The service can delete your account without prior notice and without a reason
Оценка D- They store data on you even if you did not interact with the service
- Tracking via third-party cookies for other purposes including advertising
- This service may keep personal data after a request for erasure for business interests or legal obligations
- This service tracks you on other websites
- This service gathers information about you through third parties
Оценка E- You waive your moral rights
- The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason
- Some personal data may be kept for business interests or legal obligations
- This service tracks you on other websites
- The copyright license maintained by the service over user data and/or content is broader than necessary.
Tor Browser
Оценка C- You can access most of the pages on the service's website without revealing any personal information
- Your personal data is not sold
- An anonymous payment method is offered
Оценка E- You waive your moral rights
- This service still tracks you even if you opted out from tracking
- This service holds onto content that you've deleted
- You must provide your identifiable information
- The service collects many different types of personal data
Оценка A- This service does not track you
- The service will resist legal requests for user information where reasonably possible
- IP addresses of website visitors are not tracked
- The cookies used by this service do not contain information that would personally identify you
- The cookies used by this service do not contain information that would personally identify you
Оценка E- The service can read your private messages
- This service can share your personal information to third parties
- This service tracks you on other websites
- The service can delete your account without prior notice and without a reason
- This service forces users into binding arbitration in the case of disputes
Оценка E- sign away moral rights
- The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason
- Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user
- The service collects many different types of personal data
- This service shares your personal data with third parties that are not involved in its operation
Apple Services
Оценка D- Content you post may be edited by the service for any reason
- The service can delete specific content without reason and may do it without prior notice
- This service may collect, use, and share location data
- Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user
- Many different types of personal data are collected
Дата последнего получения: Saturday, 18-Jan-25 12:51:14 UTC
Классификации ToS;DR
ToS;DR стремится создать прозрачный и рецензируемый процесс для оценки и анализа Условий обслуживания и Политик конфиденциальности, чтобы создать рейтинг от Класса A до Класса E.
Условия обслуживания пересматриваются участниками и делятся на небольшие пункты, которые мы можем обсуждать, сравнивать и в конечном итоге присваивать оценку с помощью значка: (`Хорошо`), (`Нейтрально`), (`Плохо`), или (`Блокирующий`).
Как только у сервиса достаточно значков, чтобы оценить справедливость их условий для пользователей, класс автоматически назначается путем взвешивания средних оценок.
- Оценка A — это лучшие условия обслуживания: они обращаются с вами честно, уважают ваши права и не злоупотребляют вашими данными.
- Оценка B — Условия обслуживания честны по отношению к пользователю, но их можно улучшить.
- Оценка C — Условия обслуживания приемлемы, но некоторые вопросы требуют вашего внимания.
- Оценка D — Условия обслуживания очень неравномерны, или есть некоторые важные вопросы, которые требуют вашего внимания.
- Оценка E — Условия обслуживания вызывают очень серьезные опасения.
- Еще нет класса — Пока недостаточно информации, чтобы точно оценить этот сервис.
В данный момент вы заметите, что не многим сервисам назначен класс. Это потому, что нам нужно больше данных и больше отзывов, прежде чем мы сможем начать их назначать. Более того, мы все еще экспериментируем, как применять классы.