Niveau CPoints
Ce service conserve le contenu que vous avez supprimé
Content may remain in backup servers and be retained after deletion, and thus never be completely deleted. This case doesn't apply to contributions that can't be removed due to the nature of the service.Les conditions peuvent être modifiées à tout moment, à leur discrétion, sans notification à l'utilisateur.
The Agreements can be updated at any time, including in a way that negatively affects user rights, without notifying before or after the changes.Le service peut supprimer votre compte sans préavis et sans raison.
At any time, your account can be terminated without explanation and without warning by the service.Au lieu de vous le demander directement, ce service présumera que vous avez donné votre consentement en fonction de l'usage que vous en faites.
The Service infers your acceptance from your continued usage, instead of prompting you to read the new Terms and asking for direct consent. This doesn’t apply to services that have no way to seek consent from users through their contact details or an account.Le service peut vendre ou transférer d'une autre manière vos données personnelles dans le cadre d'une procédure de faillite ou d'un autre type de transaction financière.
If the service gets acquired or is involved in a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale, your personal data may be transferred or sold.Toute responsabilité au nom du service est limitée aux frais que vous avez payés en tant qu'utilisateur ou à 100 $.
Vous restez propriétaire de vos données
This service does not claim ownership over user-generated content or materials, and the user doesn't need to waive any moral rights by posting owned content.Si vous proposez des suggestions au service, celui-ci peut les utiliser sans votre accord ni compensation, mais il n'en devient pas propriétaire.
The service may employ a broad copyright license over feedback, proposals, ideas and suggestions submitted, including the right to use them without restriction, compensation or obligation to the user, but they do not claim ownership on them.Le service fournit des informations sur la manière dont il entend utiliser vos données à caractère personnel
The Privacy Policy explains the purposes for which data is collected and the way it is processed, used and shared.Le service fournit des détails sur les types d'informations personnelles qu'il collecte
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.Vos données personnelles ne sont pas vendues
This service makes an explicit promise not to sell "personal data" of users.L'utilisateur est informé des pratiques de sécurité
It's important to know what security measures are taken to protect your data from unauthorized access. This case applies to the Agreements that precisely explain their security practices.Licence de droit d'auteur limitée aux fins de ce même service, mais transférable et pouvant faire l'objet d'une sous-licence.
Vous avez le droit de quitter ce service à tout moment
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.Vous acceptez de défendre, d'indemniser et de dégager le service de toute responsabilité en cas de réclamation liée à votre utilisation du service.
Ce service n'assume aucune responsabilité pour les pertes ou les dommages résultant de toute question relative au service.
The service assumes no liability for any damages the user incurs, including tangible (e.g. profits) and intangible losses (e.g. data), resulting from the use or inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service.Ils peuvent cesser de fournir le service à tout moment
They may discontinue the services without prior notice, at any time, for any or no reason. They usually assume no liability for losses and damages resulting from this suspension.Le fournisseur de services ne garantit pas un service ininterrompu, opportun, sûr ou exempt d'erreurs.
The service provider expressly does not claim to provide uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service.Interdit la publication de contenus qui promeuvent ou glorifient la violence ou des valeurs politiquement ou religieusement extrémistes.
Users are not allowed to post extremist political or religious content. They are also not allowed to post content that glorifies violence.Les utilisateurs s'engagent à ne pas soumettre de contenu diffamatoire, harcelant ou menaçant
This service prohibits users from submitting content of a variety of types. This can include content that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, libelous, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory in any other way.Le service est fourni "en l'état" et doit être utilisé aux seuls risques des utilisateurs.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Ce service est réservé aux utilisateurs âgés de plus de 16 ans.
The Services are intended for users who are at least a certain age. If you are younger than the age required then you are prohibited from using the Service.Interdit l'affichage de contenu pornographique
Users are not allowed to post any content of pornographic nature. This includes adult content, things that are sexually explicit, or obscene.Si vous faites l'objet d'une revendication de droits d'auteur, votre contenu peut être supprimé
The content you have published on the service may be removed if it infringes copyright.Le service ne garantit pas l'exactitude ou la fiabilité des informations fournies
This service makes no warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of any information that is given on its website or the results that may be obtained from the use of the service.La nullité d'une partie des conditions d'utilisation n'entraîne pas la nullité de la partie restante
Should any portion of the Terms of Service be unenforceable or invalid, that portion will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and the remainder of the TOS will remain valid and enforceable.Le fait de ne pas appliquer une disposition des conditions d'utilisation ne constitue pas une renonciation à cette disposition.
Even if the service does not or not always enforce all of the rules or provisions contained in its terms, they still apply. Users can at a later time still be held accountable for violating provisions that have not been enforced consistently.Ce service ne garantit pas que lui-même ou les produits obtenus par son intermédiaire répondent aux attentes ou aux exigences des utilisateurs
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.La juridiction compétente est l'Angleterre.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").
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