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The document excerpt needs to include the words "[the service] does not track [users]" or "[the service] does not use any tracking technology".Les adresses IP ne sont pas suivies
The Service disclaims that IP adresses from users are not collected (or anonymized) nor shared.La durée de conservation des données est limitée au minimum nécessaire pour atteindre les objectifs fixés.
The service will remove personal data from its systems once it is no longer required. Depending on the type of information and the reason it was collected, data retention periods will vary.Le service prétend être conforme au GDPR pour les utilisateurs européens.
The service has a different behavior towards users protected by the GDPR.Les conditions de ce service sont faciles à lire
The Agreements are well-organised, define legal terms (where applicable), aren't needlessly long and may be pleasant to read.Il y a une date de la dernière mise à jour des accords.
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.
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