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The document excerpt needs to include the words "[the service] does not track [users]" or "[the service] does not use any tracking technology".Les fonctionnalités du site web sont mises à disposition sous une licence de logiciel libre.
This case applies to services under licenses that are free as in "freedom". According to the Free Software Foundation, "free software is the software that grants the user the freedom to share, study, and modify it". Furthermore, the code is entirely open source and may be used without any restriction, including for commercial purposes.Le contenu est publié sous une licence libre au lieu d'une licence bilatérale
User-generated content, such as posts or comments, is published under a free license, meaning other users can reuse it (e.g. Creative Commons license).Les journaux des utilisateurs sont supprimés après une période de temps déterminée.
Logs are text files containing some information about web visitors, such as user agents (showing for instance that you're connecting from Firefox for Android) and ip addresses (which reveal your approximate location). This case applies to Services that periodically delete their logs to prevent user sessions being tracked over time.Vos données personnelles sont utilisées à des fins limitées
Your Personal Data is only used for the essential purposes of the Service, which are clearly defined on the Agreements. For instance, the Service won't abuse your data to deliver targeted advertisements to you or for marketing purposes.Les utilisateurs peuvent accéder à la plupart des pages du site web du service sans révéler d'informations personnelles
The service does not require users to reveal personal information for most of its website. However, it may still collect anonymous logs.Le service ne conserve que les journaux d'utilisateurs nécessaires pour garantir la qualité.
Logs are text files containing some information about web visitors, such as user agents (showing for instance that you're connecting from Firefox for Android) and ip addresses (which reveal your approximate location). This case applies to Services that only keep the strictly necessary logs on their servers and therefore protect your privacy.Le service ne partage pas les informations des utilisateurs avec des tiers
Information collected from users by this service is not given to third parties.Vous pouvez demander l'accès, la correction et/ou la suppression de vos données
Users have the right to access personal data hold by the Service, correct it and/or permanently delete it. This usually applies to Services GDPR compliants.Les adresses IP des visiteurs du site web ne sont pas suivies
The Service disclaims that IP adresses from users are not collected (or anonymized) nor shared.Vous pouvez limiter l'utilisation de vos informations par le service
Usually it's related to the right to object to data processing or restrict it under the GDPR. Users may be able to refuse the use of their data for marketing purposes for instance.Le service informe les utilisateurs des risques liés à la publication d'informations personnelles en ligne.
Le service fournit des détails sur les types d'informations qu'il recueille
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.Un mécanisme de réclamation est prévu pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel.
The service provides users with contact information for an internal or external structure to lodge complaints. It also provides users with contact information for a higher data protection / privacy office in case the internal mechanism fails to satisfy the user.Le service n'utilise pas de plateformes d'analyse ou de suivi de tiers.
There are no Google Analytics or other tracking codes embedded in the service. Any tracking is performed by the service itself.Le service vous permet d'utiliser des pseudonymes
You don't need to provide your full name to use the Service and you are allowed to use a pseudonym instead.L'utilisateur est informé des pratiques de sécurité
It's important to know what security measures are taken to protect your data from unauthorized access. This case applies to the Agreements that precisely explain their security practices.Vos données personnelles sont regroupées dans des statistiques
Your personal data is used for statistics in a de-identified/aggregated form (i.e. not directly linked to a unique identity) to analyse trends, for research and for analytics.La juridiction compétente est l'Allemagne.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").Des tiers sont impliqués dans l'exploitation du service
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