Le service peut supprimer votre compte sans préavis et sans raison.
At any time, your account can be terminated without explanation and without warning by the service.Toute responsabilité au nom du service est limitée aux frais que vous avez payés en tant qu'utilisateur.
Vous restez propriétaire de vos données
This service does not claim ownership over user-generated content or materials, and the user doesn't need to waive any moral rights by posting owned content.Le service fournit des informations sur la manière dont il entend utiliser vos données à caractère personnel
The Privacy Policy explains the purposes for which data is collected and the way it is processed, used and shared.Le blocage des cookies de première partie peut limiter votre capacité à utiliser le service
Most browsers allow users to set preferences related to cookies storage. You may choose to block all cookies (including first-party cookies), but it may impact your use of this service and you may not be able to access some or any of the features provided.Ils peuvent cesser de fournir le service à tout moment
They may discontinue the services without prior notice, at any time, for any or no reason. They usually assume no liability for losses and damages resulting from this suspension.Le fournisseur de services ne garantit pas un service ininterrompu, opportun, sûr ou exempt d'erreurs.
The service provider expressly does not claim to provide uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service.Les utilisateurs s'engagent à ne pas soumettre de contenu diffamatoire, harcelant ou menaçant
This service prohibits users from submitting content of a variety of types. This can include content that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, libelous, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory in any other way.Le service est fourni "en l'état" et doit être utilisé aux seuls risques des utilisateurs.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Le service est fourni "en l'état" et doit être utilisé aux seuls risques des utilisateurs.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Interdit l'affichage de contenu pornographique
Users are not allowed to post any content of pornographic nature. This includes adult content, things that are sexually explicit, or obscene.Vous êtes responsable du maintien de la sécurité de votre compte et des activités qui s'y déroulent
You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your password and for maintaining the security of your account. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility, whether authorized by you or not.Les utilisateurs s'engagent à ne pas utiliser le service à des fins illégales
The user agrees not to commit any unlawful acts through the use of the website, including the posting of illegal content or messaging.Le service ne garantit pas l'exactitude ou la fiabilité des informations fournies
This service makes no warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of any information that is given on its website or the results that may be obtained from the use of the service.Vous êtes responsable du maintien de la sécurité de votre compte et des activités qui s'y déroulent
You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your password and for maintaining the security of your account. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility, whether authorized by you or not.Le service peut modifier ses conditions à tout moment, mais l'utilisateur recevra une notification des modifications.
The Terms may be updated without prior notice, but users will be notified of the changes at the moment they will start applying.Ce service ne garantit pas que lui-même ou les produits obtenus par son intermédiaire répondent aux attentes ou aux exigences des utilisateurs
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.
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