Niveau EPoints
Les cookies de tiers sont utilisés pour la publicité
The service's website sets third-party cookies (cookies that do not belong to their domain) for purposes not including statistics and analytics.Les conditions peuvent être modifiées à tout moment, à leur discrétion, sans notification à l'utilisateur.
The Agreements can be updated at any time, including in a way that negatively affects user rights, without notifying before or after the changes.Ce service vous suit sur d'autres sites web
The service may use tracking technologies in third-party websites to track your online activity while you aren't visiting their Site.Le service peut supprimer votre compte sans préavis et sans raison.
At any time, your account can be terminated without explanation and without warning by the service.Les données vocales sont collectées et partagées avec des tiers
The service collects data and recordings of your voice when you communicate with a service verbally and may use and share them with third parties, that may use this data for marketing or advertising.Vous renoncez à votre droit à une action collective.
The right to be represented in a class action (or representative action) exists in the US and some European countries. It allows people who have been similarly injured by the same accused to take legal action by a single lawsuit instead of individually. Some Terms of Service try to limit that right. By agreeing to them, you could waive (= renounce to) your right to a class action, which might reduce your chances to be successful in a case.Le service peut vendre ou transférer d'une autre manière vos données personnelles dans le cadre d'une procédure de faillite ou d'un autre type de transaction financière.
If the service gets acquired or is involved in a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale, your personal data may be transferred or sold.Vos données personnelles peuvent être utilisées à des fins de marketing
The service may use your personal data for marketing, such as sending you personalised offerings.Ce service oblige les utilisateurs à recourir à l'arbitrage obligatoire en cas de litige
This service forces users to use their own contracted arbitrator and forces users to waive their rights to jury trial.Ce service peut concéder des licences sur le contenu des utilisateurs à des tiers
By posting content through the Services, users grant them a transferable and/or sublicensable right, which allows user content to be licensed to third parties.les données à caractère personnel sont communiquées à des tiers
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service’s operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.Ce service peut communiquer vos informations personnelles à des tiers
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service’s operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.Le service utilise vos données personnelles à des fins publicitaires
Your interaction with the service and data you have shared with them may be gathered to create an advertising ID or profile to target ads on you, either on the website you were visiting or in third party websites.Toute responsabilité au nom du service est limitée aux frais que vous avez payés en tant qu'utilisateur.
Des détails sont fournis sur le type d'informations collectées.
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.Vous pouvez refuser les communications promotionnelles
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.Ils peuvent cesser de fournir le service à tout moment
They may discontinue the services without prior notice, at any time, for any or no reason. They usually assume no liability for losses and damages resulting from this suspension.Interdit les discussions ou les campagnes politiques
Political content in the form or pictures, discussions, or campaigning isn't allowed.Ce service interdit aux utilisateurs d'envoyer des chaînes de lettres, du courrier indésirable, du spam ou tout autre message non sollicité.
Users are not allowed to use the service for chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any other distribution of content to people who have not agreed to receiving it.Le service est fourni "en l'état" et doit être utilisé aux seuls risques des utilisateurs.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.La nullité d'une partie des conditions d'utilisation n'entraîne pas la nullité de la partie restante
Should any portion of the Terms of Service be unenforceable or invalid, that portion will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and the remainder of the TOS will remain valid and enforceable.Les utilisateurs sont responsables du maintien de la sécurité de leur compte Amazon et des activités effectuées sur leur compte
You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your password and for maintaining the security of your account. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility, whether authorized by you or not.Ce service utilise des politiques distinctes pour les différentes parties du service.
The user may need to read additional product-specific agreements depending on the way the service is used.Des tiers sont impliqués dans l'exploitation du service
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