Niveau CPoints
Certains contenus peuvent être supprimés sans raison et sans préavis.
This service can delete specific content. Usually they will claim they reserve the right to do it at their sole discretion, which is legalese for saying they won't give a specific reason. If the terms say they will not notify you, it shall be included in the quote but if it does not explicitly say they will give you a notice, it can be reasonably inferred that they can do it without telling you.Ce service conserve le contenu que vous avez supprimé
Content may remain in backup servers and be retained after deletion, and thus never be completely deleted. This case doesn't apply to contributions that can't be removed due to the nature of the service.Vous devez fournir vos informations d'identification
The Service requires users to provide their identifiable information, including phone number, iD number or other information, even though this data collection isn’t essential for the purposes of the service. They may still allow pseudonyms in the foreground.Au lieu de vous le demander directement, ce service présumera que vous avez donné votre consentement en fonction de l'usage que vous en faites.
The Service infers your acceptance from your continued usage, instead of prompting you to read the new Terms and asking for direct consent. This doesn’t apply to services that have no way to seek consent from users through their contact details or an account.Les informations vous concernant sont recueillies par des tiers
This Service may employ, either identifiable or non-identifiable, data collection from third party sources about you.Des données supplémentaires peuvent être collectées à votre sujet dans le cadre de promotions
Additional personal data may be collected through contests, surveys, promotions, petitions or sweepstakes.Ce service transmet vos données personnelles à des tiers impliqués dans son fonctionnement
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service’s operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.Vos données peuvent être traitées et stockées partout dans le monde
Your data is stored all over the world, including in countries where data protection rules may differ from the ones of the service's jurisdiction or those of your country jurisdiction.Les cookies de tiers sont utilisés pour les statistiques
For instance, Google Analytics, rather than self-hosted (first-party) statistics software.Vous pouvez demander l'accès, la correction et/ou la suppression de vos données
Users have the right to access personal data hold by the Service, correct it and/or permanently delete it. This usually applies to Services GDPR compliants.Vous pouvez limiter la façon dont vos informations sont utilisées par des tiers et par le service
Usually it's related to the right to object to data processing or restrict it under the GDPR. Users may be able to refuse the use of their data for marketing purposes for instance.Des informations sont fournies sur la manière dont vos données personnelles sont utilisées
The Privacy Policy explains the purposes for which data is collected and the way it is processed, used and shared.Vous serez informé si des données à caractère personnel ont été affectées par des violations de données.
Should the personal information of a service be compromised, the service will inform users if any personal data has been affected by data breaches. This case is also related to privacy.Le service prétend être conforme au GDPR pour les utilisateurs européens.
The service has a different behavior towards users protected by the GDPR.Des informations sont fournies sur les pratiques en matière de sécurité
It's important to know what security measures are taken to protect your data from unauthorized access. This case applies to the Agreements that precisely explain their security practices.La publication d'informations personnellement identifiables sans le consentement du propriétaire n'est pas autorisée.
Users agree not to publicly post personally identifiable information (name, postal address, contact information…) without the owner’s knowledge or consentIl y a une date de la dernière mise à jour des accords.
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.Les personnes travaillant pour le service peuvent avoir accès à votre contenu privé.
Vous vous engagez à ne pas utiliser le service à des fins illégales
The user agrees not to commit any unlawful acts through the use of the website, including the posting of illegal content or messaging.Les conditions peuvent être modifiées à tout moment, mais vous recevrez une notification des modifications.
The Terms may be updated without prior notice, but users will be notified of the changes at the moment they will start applying.
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