Grado APuntos
Sus datos personales se utilizan para fines limitados
Your Personal Data is only used for the essential purposes of the Service, which are clearly defined on the Agreements. For instance, the Service won't abuse your data to deliver targeted advertisements to you or for marketing purposes.El servicio se opondr谩 a las peticiones legales de informaci贸n sobre los usuarios siempre que sea razonablemente posible.
The service will attempt to protect user information to a great extent, even so far as stating that they will only follow legal requirements to disclose user information in circumstances where this cannot be reasonably resisted.Los contenidos generados por los usuarios est谩n encriptados y este servicio no puede desencriptarlos
Content generated by the users is end-to-end encrypted, in a way that it can't be accessed by anyone unauthorised, and even the service has no technical means to decrypt it.El periodo de conservaci贸n de los datos del servicio se mantiene en el m铆nimo necesario para el cumplimiento de sus fines
The service will remove personal data from its systems once it is no longer required. Depending on the type of information and the reason it was collected, data retention periods will vary.Los servicios notificar谩n a los usuarios si los datos personales se han visto afectados por violaciones de datos
Should the personal information of a service be compromised, the service will inform users if any personal data has been affected by data breaches. This case is also related to privacy.El servicio proporciona autenticaci贸n de dos factores para su cuenta
The service provides means of further securing your account with two factor authentification, thus greatly improving account security.Este servicio no vende sus datos personales
This service makes an explicit promise not to sell "personal data" of users.Los terceros utilizados por el servicio est谩n sujetos a obligaciones de confidencialidad
The Third Parties accessing your personal information must keep it confidential and only use it for limited purposes.Tiene derecho a abandonar este servicio en cualquier momento
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.El servicio hace un uso no exclusivo de sus contenidos
The service can pay for your content and you are allowed to make it commercially available to other services/parties.Usted se compromete a defender, indemnizar y mantener indemne al servicio en caso de una reclamaci贸n relacionada con su uso del servicio
Bloquear las cookies de origen puede limitar su capacidad para utilizar el servicio.
Most browsers allow users to set preferences related to cookies storage. You may choose to block all cookies (including first-party cookies), but it may impact your use of this service and you may not be able to access some or any of the features provided.Usted autoriza al servicio a efectuar cargos peri贸dicos en la tarjeta de cr茅dito suministrada.
You card will be billed on recurring basis unless cancelled. For instance, monthly or annual subscriptions.El servicio no se hace responsable de los contenidos enlazados o (claramente) citados de terceros proveedores de contenidos.
Este servicio no asume ninguna responsabilidad por p茅rdidas o da帽os resultantes de cualquier asunto relacionado con el servicio
The service assumes no liability for any damages the user incurs, including tangible (e.g. profits) and intangible losses (e.g. data), resulting from the use or inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service.Hay una fecha de la 煤ltima actualizaci贸n de las condiciones
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.Pueden dejar de prestar el servicio en cualquier momento
They may discontinue the services without prior notice, at any time, for any or no reason. They usually assume no liability for losses and damages resulting from this suspension.El proveedor de servicios no garantiza un servicio ininterrumpido, puntual, seguro o libre de errores.
The service provider expressly does not claim to provide uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service.Debe crear una cuenta para utilizar este servicio
You must provide the service with your information in order to use itEste servicio proh铆be a los usuarios el env铆o de cartas en cadena, correo basura, spam o cualquier mensaje no solicitado.
Users are not allowed to use the service for chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any other distribution of content to people who have not agreed to receiving it.El servicio se ofrece "tal cual" y debe utilizarse bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Usted es responsable de mantener la seguridad de su cuenta y de las actividades que se realicen en ella.
You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your password and for maintaining the security of your account. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility, whether authorized by you or not.El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las disposiciones de las Condiciones del servicio no constituye una renuncia a dicha disposici贸n.
Even if the service does not or not always enforce all of the rules or provisions contained in its terms, they still apply. Users can at a later time still be held accountable for violating provisions that have not been enforced consistently.Los usuarios se comprometen a no utilizar el servicio con fines ilegales
The user agrees not to commit any unlawful acts through the use of the website, including the posting of illegal content or messaging.Este servicio no garantiza que el mismo o los productos obtenidos a trav茅s de 茅l cumplan las expectativas o requisitos de los usuarios.
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.En la explotaci贸n del servicio pueden intervenir terceros
El tribunal que rige las condiciones se encuentra en Canad谩
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").
Los puntos anteriores han sido traducidos autom谩ticamente. Es posible que no sean 100% precisos y le recomendamos que consulte el punto original para verificar su exactitud.