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El servicio puede eliminar contenidos espec铆ficos sin motivo y puede hacerlo sin previo aviso.
This service can delete specific content. Usually they will claim they reserve the right to do it at their sole discretion, which is legalese for saying they won't give a specific reason. If the terms say they will not notify you, it shall be included in the quote but if it does not explicitly say they will give you a notice, it can be reasonably inferred that they can do it without telling you.Este servicio puede conceder licencias de los contenidos de los usuarios a terceros
By posting content through the Services, users grant them a transferable and/or sublicensable right, which allows user content to be licensed to third parties.Este servicio puede utilizar sus datos personales con fines de marketing
The service may use your personal data for marketing, such as sending you personalised offerings.El servicio hace un uso no exclusivo de sus contenidos
The service can pay for your content and you are allowed to make it commercially available to other services/parties.Puede darse de baja de las comunicaciones promocionales
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.Este servicio no asume ninguna responsabilidad por p茅rdidas o da帽os resultantes de cualquier asunto relacionado con el servicio
The service assumes no liability for any damages the user incurs, including tangible (e.g. profits) and intangible losses (e.g. data), resulting from the use or inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service.El servicio puede distribuir sus contenidos a trav茅s de cualquier medio conocido ahora o en el futuro
Las condiciones pueden cambiar, pero su aceptaci贸n no se deduce de una aceptaci贸n anterior.
When you're not logged in to a service, but use it repeatedly, it may still feel weird that their terms and conditions can change between one use and the next. However, this does not violate the rule-of-thumb that each new version should be accepted from scratch, without inferring your acceptance from the acceptance of an earlier version. Since no acceptance is inferred from continued use, but only from current use, we rate this as neutral instead of bad.El servicio no se hace responsable de los contenidos enlazados o (claramente) citados de terceros proveedores de contenidos.
Hay una fecha de la 煤ltima actualizaci贸n de las condiciones
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.Este servicio s贸lo est谩 disponible para uso individual y no comercial.
Users can't use the Service for commercial purposes (unless the Service consents): it is only for personal, individual purposes.Los usuarios se comprometen a no enviar contenidos difamatorios, acosadores o amenazadores.
This service prohibits users from submitting content of a variety of types. This can include content that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, libelous, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory in any other way.El servicio se ofrece "tal cual" y debe utilizarse bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Proh铆be la publicaci贸n de contenidos que promuevan o ensalcen la violencia o los valores extremistas desde el punto de vista pol铆tico o religioso.
Users are not allowed to post extremist political or religious content. They are also not allowed to post content that glorifies violence.Prohibici贸n de publicar contenidos pornogr谩ficos
Users are not allowed to post any content of pornographic nature. This includes adult content, things that are sexually explicit, or obscene.El servicio no garantiza la exactitud ni la fiabilidad de la informaci贸n facilitada.
This service makes no warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of any information that is given on its website or the results that may be obtained from the use of the service.La invalidez de cualquier parte de las Condiciones del servicio no implica la invalidez del resto.
Should any portion of the Terms of Service be unenforceable or invalid, that portion will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and the remainder of the TOS will remain valid and enforceable.Instrucciones para presentar una reclamaci贸n de derechos de autor
If content that you own is copied or made accessible through the service in a way that constitutes an intellectual property right infringement, you can report it following the instructions given in the agreements.Los usuarios se comprometen a no utilizar el servicio con fines ilegales
The user agrees not to commit any unlawful acts through the use of the website, including the posting of illegal content or messaging.Usted es responsable de mantener la seguridad de su cuenta y de las actividades que se realicen en ella.
You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your password and for maintaining the security of your account. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility, whether authorized by you or not.El tribunal competente es el de Florida, EE.UU.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").En la explotaci贸n del servicio pueden intervenir terceros
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