Grado BPuntos
Debe facilitar sus datos identificativos
The Service requires users to provide their identifiable information, including phone number, iD number or other information, even though this data collection isn’t essential for the purposes of the service. They may still allow pseudonyms in the foreground.Las condiciones pueden modificarse en cualquier momento a discreción del usuario, sin previo aviso.
The Agreements can be updated at any time, including in a way that negatively affects user rights, without notifying before or after the changes.Este servicio se reserva el derecho a revelar su información personal sin notificárselo.
If the Government governing the Terms requests personal data of a user of this service, they may not inform/notify the user while complying with the request.El tribunal que rige las condiciones se encuentra en una jurisdicción (Nevada, EE.UU.) menos favorable a la protección de la privacidad de los usuarios.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction known for weak data regulations and poor user privacy protection. Usually contributors will need to explain in the Analysis view of each point linked to this Case the reason why it shall be applied.El servicio puede utilizar píxeles de seguimiento y huellas dactilares de los dispositivos de los usuarios.
Tracking technologies (such as web beacons, tracking pixels...) are employed on users and/or the service assigns a unique ID to a browser or device to track its behaviour.El servicio puede vender o transferir de otro modo sus datos personales como parte de un procedimiento de quiebra u otro tipo de transacción financiera.
If the service gets acquired or is involved in a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale, your personal data may be transferred or sold.Sus datos se procesan y almacenan en un país menos favorable a la protección de la privacidad de los usuarios (EE.UU.)
This case means that user data is not anywhere in the world, but somewhere where it is more likely to be obtained and used by government and/or possible data analysts.El servicio utiliza sus datos personales con fines publicitarios
Your interaction with the service and data you have shared with them may be gathered to create an advertising ID or profile to target ads on you, either on the website you were visiting or in third party websites.Cualquier responsabilidad en nombre del servicio sólo se limita a las tarifas que usted pagó como usuario o 200 $.
Usted mantiene la propiedad de sus contenidos
This service does not claim ownership over user-generated content or materials, and the user doesn't need to waive any moral rights by posting owned content.Este servicio no obliga a los usuarios a someterse a un arbitraje vinculante
Binding Arbitration is a dispute resolution method involving a neutral third party which will render a decision instead of going to court. Since the arbitrator can decide the outgoing of a dispute without evidences or a legal basis, it is preferable that users decide whether they want or not their dispute to be resolved this way.Los usuarios pueden raspar el sitio, siempre que no afecte demasiado al servidor.
Automated web scraping is a method of extracting information from a website. The service authorises scraping if it doesn't impact its server(s) too much.Las promesas se mantendrán tras una fusión o adquisición
If the service gets acquired or needs to transfer personal data after a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale of the services, the data will still be processed in a manner that honours the promises made in the agreements.Las cuentas de usuario pueden cancelarse tras haber incumplido repetidamente las condiciones del servicio.
User accounts can be terminated for having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly, meaning they cannot be terminated without a reason, but only for a limited number of reasons. Additionally, user accounts will not be deleted after a first infringement.El servicio proporciona información sobre cómo pretende utilizar sus datos personales
The Privacy Policy explains the purposes for which data is collected and the way it is processed, used and shared.El servicio proporciona detalles sobre el tipo de información personal que recopila
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.Este servicio ofrece una declaración simbólica pero no vinculante sobre una cuestión de opinión, ética, sociedad o política.
If a service expresses a worldview antithetical to the user’s, that is a good signal that they should not use the service. Or conversely, if the service expresses an uncommonly-held belief that the user agrees with and thinks is relevant to the service-user relationship and/or important, they may wish to use that to choose between otherwise comparable services.Sus datos personales no se venden
This service makes an explicit promise not to sell "personal data" of users.La eliminación de contenidos del servicio será justa y proporcionada.
The Service promises to fairly terminate users accounts, only with a reason, and may give them an opportunity to explain and defend themselves.Licencia de derechos de autor limitada a los fines de ese mismo servicio, pero transferible y sublicenciable.
Tiene derecho a abandonar este servicio en cualquier momento
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.Puede darse de baja de las comunicaciones promocionales
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.El servicio hace un uso no exclusivo de sus contenidos
The service can pay for your content and you are allowed to make it commercially available to other services/parties.El servicio ofrece un servicio de asistencia gratuito
The service can be easily contacted for questions or provides a support center at no extra cost.Prohíbe la publicación de información personal identificable sin el consentimiento del titular
Users agree not to publicly post personally identifiable information (name, postal address, contact information…) without the owner’s knowledge or consentPuedes elegir con quién compartes contenidos
Users can decide whether or not they want their content to be shared and they can control how and with whom it is shared.Existe una fecha de la última actualización de los acuerdos
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.Bloquear las cookies de origen puede limitar su capacidad para utilizar el servicio.
Most browsers allow users to set preferences related to cookies storage. You may choose to block all cookies (including first-party cookies), but it may impact your use of this service and you may not be able to access some or any of the features provided.Este servicio puede borrar tus contenidos si infringes las condiciones
Content infringing the Terms of Service (or the Acceptable Use Policy or equivalent) may be removed, with or without notice.Este servicio no asume ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños resultantes de cualquier asunto relacionado con el servicio
The service assumes no liability for any damages the user incurs, including tangible (e.g. profits) and intangible losses (e.g. data), resulting from the use or inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service.Este servicio no aprueba ninguna idea contenida en sus contenidos generados por los usuarios
Este servicio prohíbe a los usuarios el envío de cartas en cadena, correo basura, spam o cualquier mensaje no solicitado.
Users are not allowed to use the service for chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any other distribution of content to people who have not agreed to receiving it.El servicio se ofrece "tal cual" y debe utilizarse bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Si usted es objeto de una reclamación de derechos de autor, su contenido puede ser retirado
The content you have published on the service may be removed if it infringes copyright.Este servicio sólo está disponible para usuarios mayores de 13 años
The Services are intended for users who are at least a certain age. If you are younger than the age required then you are prohibited from using the Service.Instrucciones para presentar una reclamación de derechos de autor
If content that you own is copied or made accessible through the service in a way that constitutes an intellectual property right infringement, you can report it following the instructions given in the agreements.Este servicio no garantiza que el mismo o los productos obtenidos a través de él cumplan las expectativas o requisitos de los usuarios.
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.Este servicio recoge su dirección IP, que puede utilizarse para ver su ubicación aproximada
Los puntos anteriores han sido traducidos automáticamente. Es posible que no sean 100% precisos y le recomendamos que consulte el punto original para verificar su exactitud.