Grado DPuntos
Los precios y las tarifas pueden modificarse en cualquier momento sin previo aviso.
The service reserves the right to change or modify its pricing and fees at any time, and such changes are effective immediately without need for further notice to the user.Las condiciones pueden modificarse en cualquier momento a discreci贸n de la empresa, sin previo aviso.
The Agreements can be updated at any time, including in a way that negatively affects user rights, without notifying before or after the changes.Su cuenta puede ser eliminada sin previo aviso y sin motivo alguno.
At any time, your account can be terminated without explanation and without warning by the service.Los contenidos generados por los usuarios pueden ser bloqueados o censurados por cualquier motivo
The service reserves the right, for any or no reason, to refuse to post or reject user communications.Sus datos personales pueden ser vendidos o transferidos de otro modo como parte de un procedimiento de quiebra u otro tipo de transacci贸n financiera.
If the service gets acquired or is involved in a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale, your personal data may be transferred or sold.Tiene un plazo reducido para emprender acciones legales contra el servicio
If you wish to bring legal action against a service about a past incident, you may not be able to do so if the Terms you agreed to implied a limited amount of time. As a result it may be worthy to carefully read that section of the Terms to know exactly how much time you might have before your right to take legal action expires.Usted renuncia a su derecho a una demanda colectiva.
The right to be represented in a class action (or representative action) exists in the US and some European countries. It allows people who have been similarly injured by the same accused to take legal action by a single lawsuit instead of individually. Some Terms of Service try to limit that right. By agreeing to them, you could waive (= renounce to) your right to a class action, which might reduce your chances to be successful in a case.En lugar de preguntarle directamente, este Servicio asumir谩 su consentimiento simplemente por su uso.
The Service infers your acceptance from your continued usage, instead of prompting you to read the new Terms and asking for direct consent. This doesn鈥檛 apply to services that have no way to seek consent from users through their contact details or an account.No interferir谩 en el disfrute del servicio por parte de otras personas
Users are asked not to interfere with another person't enjoyment in using the service. However, this statement is very vague and open to interpretation by the service itself.Tus contenidos pueden ser eliminados si infringes las condiciones
Content infringing the Terms of Service (or the Acceptable Use Policy or equivalent) may be removed, with or without notice.Existe una fecha de la 煤ltima actualizaci贸n de los acuerdos
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.Existe una fecha de la 煤ltima actualizaci贸n de los acuerdos
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.El servicio no admite devoluciones
Payments are final and can't be refunded unless required by law.Este servicio no aprueba ninguna idea contenida en sus contenidos generados por los usuarios
El proveedor de servicios no garantiza un servicio ininterrumpido, puntual, seguro o libre de errores.
The service provider expressly does not claim to provide uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service.Las personas que trabajan para el servicio pueden acceder a tus contenidos privados
Se proh铆be el env铆o de cartas en cadena, correo basura, spam o cualquier otro mensaje no solicitado.
Users are not allowed to use the service for chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any other distribution of content to people who have not agreed to receiving it.El servicio se presta "tal cual" y debe utilizarse bajo su propia responsabilidad.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.El servicio le informa de que su pol铆tica de privacidad no se aplica a los sitios web de terceros
The service states that whenever it links to third party websites or applications, its privacy policy does not apply. Those third party websites or applications hosted or operated by other organizations may have their own privacy policies.El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las disposiciones de las Condiciones del servicio no constituye una renuncia a dicha disposici贸n.
Even if the service does not or not always enforce all of the rules or provisions contained in its terms, they still apply. Users can at a later time still be held accountable for violating provisions that have not been enforced consistently.El tribunal que rige los t茅rminos es el del estado de Nueva York
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").Las cabeceras Do Not Track (DNT) son ignoradas y usted es rastreado de todas formas incluso si configura esta cabecera.
Even though the Do Not Track (DNT) header was not implemented perfectly, services should not track users whose browsers send a DNT header.
Los puntos anteriores han sido traducidos autom谩ticamente. Es posible que no sean 100% precisos y le recomendamos que consulte el punto original para verificar su exactitud.