Grado BPuntos
Las copias de tu contenido pueden permanecer indefinidamente en los sistemas de Tumblr
Content may remain in backup servers and be retained after deletion, and thus never be completely deleted. This case doesn't apply to contributions that can't be removed due to the nature of the service.Su cuenta puede ser eliminada sin previo aviso y sin motivo alguno.
At any time, your account can be terminated without explanation and without warning by the service.El tribunal que rige las condiciones se encuentra en una jurisdicción menos favorable a la protección de la privacidad de los usuarios (Nueva York, EE.UU.).
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction known for weak data regulations and poor user privacy protection. Usually contributors will need to explain in the Analysis view of each point linked to this Case the reason why it shall be applied.Sus datos personales pueden ser vendidos o transferidos de otro modo como parte de un procedimiento de quiebra u otro tipo de transacción financiera.
If the service gets acquired or is involved in a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale, your personal data may be transferred or sold.Tiene un plazo reducido (1 año) para emprender acciones legales contra el servicio
If you wish to bring legal action against a service about a past incident, you may not be able to do so if the Terms you agreed to implied a limited amount of time. As a result it may be worthy to carefully read that section of the Terms to know exactly how much time you might have before your right to take legal action expires.Este servicio rastrea qué página web le ha remitido a él
The service logs the URL of the last web page you visited before visiting the Site and may use that information to gather more data about you.Se recopila información sobre usted a través de terceros
This Service may employ, either identifiable or non-identifiable, data collection from third party sources about you.Sus datos personales se utilizan para emplear publicidad dirigida de terceros
Your Personal Information is traded and shared with advertising companies to target ads on you, either on the website you were visiting or in third party websites. Your interaction with the service and data you have shared with them may be gathered to create an advertising ID or profile.Este servicio cede sus datos personales a terceros implicados en su funcionamiento
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service’s operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.Sus datos personales se utilizan con fines publicitarios
Your interaction with the service and data you have shared with them may be gathered to create an advertising ID or profile to target ads on you, either on the website you were visiting or in third party websites.Las cookies de terceros se utilizan para estadísticas
For instance, Google Analytics, rather than self-hosted (first-party) statistics software.Los píxeles de seguimiento se utilizan en la comunicación entre servicios y usuarios
The service tracks the user count or some actions of the user; this is usually used for statistics. For example, emails sent by a service can contain a pixel tag, which is a small, clear image that can tell them whether or not you have opened an email and what your IP address is.Las promesas se mantendrán tras una fusión o adquisición
If the service gets acquired or needs to transfer personal data after a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale of the services, the data will still be processed in a manner that honours the promises made in the agreements.Tumblr ofrece acceso a las condiciones de servicio y la política de privacidad anteriores
This case applies to Services whose agreements provide previous versions, so that users can compare them and understand how the Service seems to evolve regarding user rights.Puede solicitar el acceso, la rectificación y/o la supresión de sus datos
Users have the right to access personal data hold by the Service, correct it and/or permanently delete it. This usually applies to Services GDPR compliants.No estás obligado a someterte a un arbitraje vinculante en caso de litigio.
Binding Arbitration is a dispute resolution method involving a neutral third party which will render a decision instead of going to court. Since the arbitrator can decide the outgoing of a dispute without evidences or a legal basis, it is preferable that users decide whether they want or not their dispute to be resolved this way.Puedes eliminar tus contenidos de este servicio
You can ask the service to remove your content at any time, and it's deleted within a reasonable time.Las cookies utilizadas por este servicio no contienen información que pueda identificarle personalmente.
The cookies used only collect anonymous, aggregated data that cannot be linked to a unique identity.Mantienes la propiedad de tus contenidos de Tumblr
This service does not claim ownership over user-generated content or materials, and the user doesn't need to waive any moral rights by posting owned content.Las cuentas de usuario pueden cancelarse tras haber incumplido repetidamente las condiciones del servicio.
User accounts can be terminated for having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly, meaning they cannot be terminated without a reason, but only for a limited number of reasons. Additionally, user accounts will not be deleted after a first infringement.El periodo de conservación de los datos se mantiene en el mínimo necesario para el cumplimiento de sus fines.
The service will remove personal data from its systems once it is no longer required. Depending on the type of information and the reason it was collected, data retention periods will vary.Está informado sobre el riesgo de publicar datos personales en Internet
Se detalla qué tipo de información se recoge
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.El servicio sólo responderá a las solicitudes gubernamentales que sean razonables
The Agreement explains they will disclose personal data about you if it is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law and government requests.Puede darse de baja de la publicidad dirigida
The service employs your data to target ads to you, but you can opt-out of this interest-based advertising.Los terceros utilizados por Tumblr están sujetos a obligaciones de confidencialidad.
The Third Parties accessing your personal information must keep it confidential and only use it for limited purposes.Se admiten seudónimos
You don't need to provide your full name to use the Service and you are allowed to use a pseudonym instead.El servicio afirma cumplir la CCPA para los usuarios de California
The service has a different behavior towards users protected by the California Consumer Privacy Act.Las condiciones de este servicio son fáciles de leer
The Agreements are well-organised, define legal terms (where applicable), aren't needlessly long and may be pleasant to read.Tiene derecho a abandonar este servicio en cualquier momento
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.Licencia de derechos de autor limitada a los fines de ese mismo servicio, pero transferible y sublicenciable.
Puede darse de baja de las comunicaciones promocionales
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.El servicio hace un uso no exclusivo de sus contenidos
The service can pay for your content and you are allowed to make it commercially available to other services/parties.No está permitida la publicación de información personal identificable sin el consentimiento del titular.
Users agree not to publicly post personally identifiable information (name, postal address, contact information…) without the owner’s knowledge or consentPuedes elegir con quién compartes contenidos
Users can decide whether or not they want their content to be shared and they can control how and with whom it is shared.Sus contenidos pueden distribuirse a través de cualquier medio conocido ahora o en el futuro
Existe una fecha de la última actualización de los acuerdos
The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.El servicio no admite devoluciones
Payments are final and can't be refunded unless required by law.Tumblr puede limitar, restringir o suspender los Servicios en cualquier momento sin previo aviso.
They may discontinue the services without prior notice, at any time, for any or no reason. They usually assume no liability for losses and damages resulting from this suspension.El proveedor de servicios no garantiza un servicio ininterrumpido, puntual, seguro o libre de errores.
The service provider expressly does not claim to provide uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service.No puede eliminar sus contribuciones, pero tiene sentido para este servicio
For services that are under an open license where your contributions are for public knowledge (such as Wikipedia and ToS;DR).El servicio se ofrece "tal cual" y debe utilizarse bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.La licencia de derechos de autor que concedes nunca caduca, pero tiene sentido para este servicio
For services that are under an open license where your contributions are for public knowledge (such as Wikipedia and ToS;DR).Este servicio sólo está disponible para usuarios mayores de cierta edad
The Services are intended for users who are at least a certain age. If you are younger than the age required then you are prohibited from using the Service.Sólo se facilitan datos agregados a terceros
The Service only shares your information in an aggregated form, which means an anonymized form that can't be linked to a unique identity.Este servicio es una filial de Automattic
The service is a subsidiary of a certain company (called X in the title, to be replaced by the parent Company in each point's title). Company X’s Terms of Service may apply to the service.Debe informar al servicio de cualquier uso no autorizado de su cuenta o de cualquier violación de la seguridad.
The service asks the user to notify them immediately of any unauthorized use or security breaches.Se recopila su dirección IP, que puede utilizarse para ver su ubicación aproximada.
Las condiciones pueden modificarse en cualquier momento, pero se le notificará.
The Terms may be updated without prior notice, but users will be notified of the changes at the moment they will start applying.Este servicio no garantiza que él o los productos obtenidos a través de él cumplan sus expectativas o requisitos
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.Tumblr tiene disposiciones para los usuarios de fuera de EE.UU.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").El tribunal que rige las condiciones es el de Estados Unidos de América.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction (specified in the title of each point by replacing the "X").
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