United States Postal Service
Grado CPuntos
El servicio puede eliminar contenidos espec铆ficos sin motivo y puede hacerlo sin previo aviso.
This service can delete specific content. Usually they will claim they reserve the right to do it at their sole discretion, which is legalese for saying they won't give a specific reason. If the terms say they will not notify you, it shall be included in the quote but if it does not explicitly say they will give you a notice, it can be reasonably inferred that they can do it without telling you.Seguimiento mediante cookies de terceros con fines publicitarios, entre otros
The service's website sets third-party cookies (cookies that do not belong to their domain) for purposes not including statistics and analytics.Este servicio se reserva el derecho a revelar su informaci贸n personal sin notific谩rselo.
If the Government governing the Terms requests personal data of a user of this service, they may not inform/notify the user while complying with the request.El servicio puede recopilar datos adicionales sobre usted a trav茅s de promociones
Additional personal data may be collected through contests, surveys, promotions, petitions or sweepstakes.Este servicio rastrea qu茅 p谩gina web le ha remitido a 茅l
The service logs the URL of the last web page you visited before visiting the Site and may use that information to gather more data about you.Este servicio recopila informaci贸n sobre usted a trav茅s de terceros
This Service may employ, either identifiable or non-identifiable, data collection from third party sources about you.El tribunal que rige las condiciones se encuentra en una jurisdicci贸n menos favorable a la protecci贸n de la privacidad de los usuarios.
The Terms are governed by the applicable laws of a jurisdiction known for weak data regulations and poor user privacy protection. Usually contributors will need to explain in the Analysis view of each point linked to this Case the reason why it shall be applied.El servicio puede utilizar p铆xeles de seguimiento, balizas web, huellas digitales del navegador y/o huellas digitales del dispositivo de los usuarios.
Tracking technologies (such as web beacons, tracking pixels...) are employed on users and/or the service assigns a unique ID to a browser or device to track its behaviour.Este servicio cede sus datos personales a terceros implicados en su funcionamiento
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service鈥檚 operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.Este servicio utiliza cookies de terceros para fines estad铆sticos
For instance, Google Analytics, rather than self-hosted (first-party) statistics software.Cualquier responsabilidad en nombre del servicio s贸lo se limita a las tarifas que usted pag贸 como usuario
Las cookies de seguimiento rechazadas no limitar谩n su capacidad para utilizar el servicio
Blocking tracking technologies will not negatively impact your use of the service.El servicio proporciona informaci贸n sobre c贸mo recogen los datos personales
The service details situations in which they collect personal information or means by which they do.No es necesario registrarse
This service can be used without providing a user profile.Si ofreces sugerencias al servicio, pueden utilizarlas sin tu aprobaci贸n ni compensaci贸n, pero no se convierten en propietarios.
The service may employ a broad copyright license over feedback, proposals, ideas and suggestions submitted, including the right to use them without restriction, compensation or obligation to the user, but they do not claim ownership on them.Puede solicitar el acceso a sus datos personales y su supresi贸n
Users have the right to access personal data hold by the Service, correct it and/or permanently delete it. This usually applies to Services GDPR compliants.Las cookies utilizadas por este servicio no contienen informaci贸n que pueda identificarle personalmente.
The cookies used only collect anonymous, aggregated data that cannot be linked to a unique identity.Este servicio no vende sus datos personales
This service makes an explicit promise not to sell "personal data" of users.Los terceros utilizados por el servicio est谩n sujetos a obligaciones de confidencialidad
The Third Parties accessing your personal information must keep it confidential and only use it for limited purposes.Tiene derecho a abandonar este servicio en cualquier momento
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.Se informa al usuario sobre las pr谩cticas de seguridad
It's important to know what security measures are taken to protect your data from unauthorized access. This case applies to the Agreements that precisely explain their security practices.Puede darse de baja de las comunicaciones promocionales
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.Este servicio no asume ninguna responsabilidad por p茅rdidas o da帽os resultantes de cualquier asunto relacionado con el servicio
The service assumes no liability for any damages the user incurs, including tangible (e.g. profits) and intangible losses (e.g. data), resulting from the use or inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service.Bloquear las cookies de origen puede limitar su capacidad para utilizar el servicio.
Most browsers allow users to set preferences related to cookies storage. You may choose to block all cookies (including first-party cookies), but it may impact your use of this service and you may not be able to access some or any of the features provided.Este servicio no asume responsabilidad alguna por el contenido de los enlaces a otros sitios web.
The service rejects any responsibility for the contents of other websites to which it links.Este servicio no aprueba ninguna idea contenida en sus contenidos generados por los usuarios
El proveedor de servicios no garantiza un servicio ininterrumpido, puntual, seguro o libre de errores.
The service provider expressly does not claim to provide uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service.Este servicio s贸lo est谩 disponible para uso individual y no comercial.
Users can't use the Service for commercial purposes (unless the Service consents): it is only for personal, individual purposes.Los usuarios se comprometen a no enviar contenidos difamatorios, acosadores o amenazadores.
This service prohibits users from submitting content of a variety of types. This can include content that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, libelous, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory in any other way.El servicio se ofrece "tal cual" y debe utilizarse bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario.
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.Este servicio proh铆be a los usuarios intentar acceder sin autorizaci贸n a otros sistemas inform谩ticos
The service does not allow any attempts at hacking or otherwise gaining unauthorized access to other users' computers.Sus datos personales se agregan en estad铆sticas
Your personal data is used for statistics in a de-identified/aggregated form (i.e. not directly linked to a unique identity) to analyse trends, for research and for analytics.El servicio no garantiza la exactitud ni la fiabilidad de la informaci贸n facilitada.
This service makes no warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of any information that is given on its website or the results that may be obtained from the use of the service.Este servicio no garantiza que el mismo o los productos obtenidos a trav茅s de 茅l cumplan las expectativas o requisitos de los usuarios.
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.Este servicio recoge su direcci贸n IP, que puede utilizarse para ver su ubicaci贸n aproximada
Los puntos anteriores han sido traducidos autom谩ticamente. Es posible que no sean 100% precisos y le recomendamos que consulte el punto original para verificar su exactitud.