Grado CPuntos
Muchos terceros participan en la explotaci贸n del servicio
Este servicio rastrea qu茅 p谩gina web le ha remitido a 茅l
The service logs the URL of the last web page you visited before visiting the Site and may use that information to gather more data about you.Sus datos personales se ceden a terceros
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service鈥檚 operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.Este servicio utiliza cookies de terceros para fines estad铆sticos
For instance, Google Analytics, rather than self-hosted (first-party) statistics software.Las funciones del sitio web est谩n disponibles bajo una licencia de software libre.
This case applies to services under licenses that are free as in "freedom". According to the Free Software Foundation, "free software is the software that grants the user the freedom to share, study, and modify it". Furthermore, the code is entirely open source and may be used without any restriction, including for commercial purposes.Los registros de usuario se borran tras un periodo de tiempo finito
Logs are text files containing some information about web visitors, such as user agents (showing for instance that you're connecting from Firefox for Android) and ip addresses (which reveal your approximate location). This case applies to Services that periodically delete their logs to prevent user sessions being tracked over time.Puedes eliminar tus contenidos de este servicio
You can ask the service to remove your content at any time, and it's deleted within a reasonable time.Puede solicitar el acceso a sus datos personales y su supresi贸n
Users have the right to access personal data hold by the Service, correct it and/or permanently delete it. This usually applies to Services GDPR compliants.El servicio afirma cumplir la GDPR para los usuarios europeos
The service has a different behavior towards users protected by the GDPR.El servicio no requiere que proporcione su nombre real
You don't need to provide your full name to use the Service and you are allowed to use a pseudonym instead.Tiene derecho a abandonar este servicio en cualquier momento
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.Puede darse de baja de las comunicaciones promocionales
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.Bloquear las cookies de origen puede limitar su capacidad para utilizar el servicio.
Most browsers allow users to set preferences related to cookies storage. You may choose to block all cookies (including first-party cookies), but it may impact your use of this service and you may not be able to access some or any of the features provided.El servicio remite a los usuarios a documentos externos para m谩s informaci贸n
The service states that whenever it links to third party websites or applications, its privacy policy does not apply. Those third party websites or applications hosted or operated by other organizations may have their own privacy policies.Este servicio requiere cookies de origen
First-party cookies only belong to the domain of the service and not a third party.En la explotaci贸n del servicio pueden intervenir terceros
Este servicio recoge su direcci贸n IP para su localizaci贸n
Los puntos anteriores han sido traducidos autom谩ticamente. Es posible que no sean 100% precisos y le recomendamos que consulte el punto original para verificar su exactitud.