The Session
Grado APuntos
El servicio no comparte informaci贸n de los usuarios con terceros
Information collected from users by this service is not given to third parties.Este servicio no vende sus datos personales
This service makes an explicit promise not to sell "personal data" of users.El servicio permite utilizar seud贸nimos
You don't need to provide your full name to use the Service and you are allowed to use a pseudonym instead.Tiene derecho a abandonar este servicio en cualquier momento
You can stop using the service and/or cancel or delete your account at any time for any reason. Moreover, the termination is reasonably fast and simple.Las condiciones de este servicio son f谩ciles de leer
The Agreements are well-organised, define legal terms (where applicable), aren't needlessly long and may be pleasant to read.
Los puntos anteriores han sido traducidos autom谩ticamente. Es posible que no sean 100% precisos y le recomendamos que consulte el punto original para verificar su exactitud.