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This service does not track you
The document excerpt needs to include the words "[the service] does not track [users]" or "[the service] does not use any tracking technology".Features of the service are made available under a free software license
This case applies to services under licenses that are free as in "freedom". According to the Free Software Foundation, "free software is the software that grants the user the freedom to share, study, and modify it". Furthermore, the code is entirely open source and may be used without any restriction, including for commercial purposes.The software is open-source
The code of the software is open-source and the users can have access to the source code.The service does not use third-party analytics or tracking platforms
There are no Google Analytics or other tracking codes embedded in the service. Any tracking is performed by the service itself.Your personal data is aggregated into statistics
Your personal data is used for statistics in a de-identified/aggregated form (i.e. not directly linked to a unique identity) to analyse trends, for research and for analytics.This service collects your IP address, which can be used to view your approximate location
Third parties are involved in operating the service