The service can delete specific content without reason and may do it without prior notice
This service can delete specific content. Usually they will claim they reserve the right to do it at their sole discretion, which is legalese for saying they won't give a specific reason. If the terms say they will not notify you, it shall be included in the quote but if it does not explicitly say they will give you a notice, it can be reasonably inferred that they can do it without telling you.

You waive your moral rights
Moral rights are rights to creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, as well as directors of films.
"The moral rights include the right of attribution, the right to have a work published anonymously or pseudonymously, and the right to the integrity of the work. The preserving of the integrity of the work allows the author to object to alteration, distortion, or mutilation of the work that is "prejudicial to the author's honor or reputation". Anything else that may detract from the artist's relationship with the work even after it leaves the artist's possession or ownership may bring these moral rights into play. Moral rights are distinct from any economic rights tied to copyrights. Even if an artist has assigned his or her copyright rights to a work to a third party, he or she still maintains the moral rights to the work." -Wikipedia
In general, any terms that use the exact words "moral rights" as rights that are waived will fall under this Case.

This service holds onto content that you've deleted
Content may remain in backup servers and be retained after deletion, and thus never be completely deleted. This case doesn't apply to contributions that can't be removed due to the nature of the service.

This service keeps user logs for an undefined period of time
Logs are text files containing some information about web visitors, such as user agents (showing for instance that you're connecting from Firefox for Android) and ip addresses (which reveal your approximate location). This case applies to Services that may keep logs indefinitely, allowing user sessions to be tracked over time. Logs that are kept for a time "consistent with applicable law" also fall under this case, since this period of time may be murky or undefined.

This service can share your personal information to third parties
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties nonessential to the service’s operation. This could be a business partner that receives your data to provide targeted advertisements.

The service collects many different types of personal data
The service collects different kinds of personal data, such as name, demographic information, postal address, biometric data, device information, IDs, contacts, call logs...

This service reserves the right to disclose your personal information without notifying you
If the Government governing the Terms requests personal data of a user of this service, they may not inform/notify the user while complying with the request.

Many third parties are involved in operating the service

If you offer suggestions to the service, they become the owner of the ideas that you give them
The service can claim ownership on feedback, proposals, ideas and suggestions submitted by the users, who may waive their "moral rights" on that feedback.

The service may use tracking pixels, web beacons, browser fingerprinting, and/or device fingerprinting on users.
Tracking technologies (such as web beacons, tracking pixels...) are employed on users and/or the service assigns a unique ID to a browser or device to track its behaviour.

This service may use your personal information for marketing purposes
The service may use your personal data for marketing, such as sending you personalised offerings.

The service can sell or otherwise transfer your personal data as part of a bankruptcy proceeding or other type of financial transaction.
If the service gets acquired or is involved in a merger, bankruptcy, reorganisation or sale, your personal data may be transferred or sold.

This service gathers information about you through third parties
This Service may employ, either identifiable or non-identifiable, data collection from third party sources about you.

The service uses social media cookies/pixels
These types of cookies/pixels send information to social media sites when you interact with the service.

This service receives your percise location through GPS coordinates
Unless the service relies on Geo Location, this case is to be assigned to points that don't need your GPS coordinates to function properly.

The service uses your personal data to employ targeted third-party advertising
Your Personal Information is traded and shared with advertising companies to target ads on you, either on the website you were visiting or in third party websites. Your interaction with the service and data you have shared with them may be gathered to create an advertising ID or profile.

Your personal data is given to third parties
Your personal data is or may be given to third parties essential to the service’s operation. This could be an external spam detection service for an internet forum.

Your data may be processed and stored anywhere in the world
Your data is stored all over the world, including in countries where data protection rules may differ from the ones of the service's jurisdiction or those of your country jurisdiction.

You must provide your legal name, pseudonyms are not allowed
You must provide your legal name and pseudonyms aren't allowed. This case doesn't apply to Services for which transparency regarding users identities is relevant for their purposes.

The service provides information about how they collect personal data
The service details situations in which they collect personal information or means by which they do.

EU users can retrieve an archive of their data
Users can request a copy of the data collected through the services and infer from it the amount of personal information that is processed and stored by the Service. This usually applies to Services GDPR compliants.

The service provides information about how they intend to use your personal data
The Privacy Policy explains the purposes for which data is collected and the way it is processed, used and shared.

The service provides details about what kinds of personal information they collect
The Privacy Policy describes in detail the data collected through the website and through the services provided.

The user is informed about security practices
It's important to know what security measures are taken to protect your data from unauthorized access. This case applies to the Agreements that precisely explain their security practices.

You can opt out of promotional communications
You can update your account preferences and/or easily unsubscribe of email/sms lists to stop receiving promotional communications.

The service provides a free help desk
The service can be easily contacted for questions or provides a support center at no extra cost.

This service assumes no liability for any losses or damages resulting from any matter relating to the service
The service assumes no liability for any damages the user incurs, including tangible (e.g. profits) and intangible losses (e.g. data), resulting from the use or inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service.

The service can use and distribute your content for any purpose

Users are responsible for any risks, damages, or losses they may incur by downloading materials
Users are responsible for any harm to their computer system or loss of data they may incur through the download of materials from the service.

Service does not allow alternative accounts
Services that do not allow multiple or alternative accounts are covered by this case.
Alternative accounts can contribute to an increased privacy, but can also be used to manipulate discussions and polls and might decrease the trustworthiness of a person.

This service prohibits users sending chain letters, junk mail, spam or any unsolicited messages
Users are not allowed to use the service for chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any other distribution of content to people who have not agreed to receiving it.

This services gives no guarantee regarding quality
The Service doesn't warrant or guarantee the quality of the products or services provided.

Users agree not to submit libelous, harassing or threatening content
This service prohibits users from submitting content of a variety of types. This can include content that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, libelous, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or discriminatory in any other way.

This service prohibits users from attempting to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems
The service does not allow any attempts at hacking or otherwise gaining unauthorized access to other users' computers.

The service is provided 'as is' and to be used at the users' sole risk
This service does not provide any guarantees as to its usability or fitness for the users' purposes. Users agree to use it at their own risk, accepting any possible bugs, malfunctions or harm to their devices.

If you are the target of a copyright claim, your content may be removed
The content you have published on the service may be removed if it infringes copyright.

Prohibits the posting of pornographic content
Users are not allowed to post any content of pornographic nature. This includes adult content, things that are sexually explicit, or obscene.

The service can suspend your account for several reasons

This service is only available to users of a certain age
The Services are intended for users who are at least a certain age. If you are younger than the age required then you are prohibited from using the Service.

The service does not guarantee accuracy or reliability of the information provided
This service makes no warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of any information that is given on its website or the results that may be obtained from the use of the service.

You cannot distribute or disclose your account to third parties
In this context third-parties refers to anyone including friends, family, or company

Users agree not to use the service for illegal purposes
The user agrees not to commit any unlawful acts through the use of the website, including the posting of illegal content or messaging.

The service informs users that its privacy policy does not apply to third party websites
The service states that whenever it links to third party websites or applications, its privacy policy does not apply. Those third party websites or applications hosted or operated by other organizations may have their own privacy policies.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for the activities on your account
You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your password and for maintaining the security of your account. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility, whether authorized by you or not.

This service does not guarantee that it or the products obtained through it meet the users' expectations or requirements
This service provider informs its users that the services, information, products, or other materials provided on its website may not meet the users' expectations or requirements.

The terms for this service are translated into different languages
Although there's generally a unique binding language for the terms, they are translated to allow all users to understand the agreement they're accepting, no matter their native language.

This service collects your IP address, which can be used to view your approximate location

The service may change its terms at any time, but the user will receive notification of the changes.
The Terms may be updated without prior notice, but users will be notified of the changes at the moment they will start applying.

This service ignores the Do Not Track (DNT) header and tracks users anyway even if they set this header.
Even though the Do Not Track (DNT) header was not implemented perfectly, services should not track users whose browsers send a DNT header.